About our radio

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The STORY BEHIND our clear sound

Station Profile

As the region's only radio station directly serving this community, and the most popular mass media vehicle, Radical fm provides an established platform from which retailers and service companies can, at minimal cost, bring products and services to the attention of the region's mkp, peri-urban and rural communities. Radical fm's footprint includes 28 towns in the Polokwane, Mokopane, and many more municipal areas.

For the information of your marketing department, Radical fm's current footprint embraces a 121 000 plus listenership (SAARF 2017), with one of the highest daily average community station listenership's in the Western Cape.

Comprising a culturally eclectic population, ranging from community members to small business entrepreneurs, local government representatives and farm dwellers, the region provides us with a listener LSM profile spanning from 4 - 10.

Considered a leader among community stations, Radical fm has been the only Limpopo local radio station invited to cover parliament's State of the Province Address and to host its transmission to other stations; and frequently initiates OB link-ups, broadcasting from key events to neighbouring stations.

We also on a regular basis produce PSA's (public service announcements) for various government departments, to distribute to regional stations. A current long-standing project is our production and syndication of educational programmes from Cape Nature to stations across the Limpopo.

To ensure balanced content over its 7-day 24-hour broadcast schedule Limpopo fm engages in participative dialogue with community leaders and residents alike; provides a wide range of musical entertainment; a popular daily magazine programme focusing on the family, health and women's issues; youth-participation forums; educational, community health, and cultural programmes; sports coverage, and the opportunity for all to interact on air with current issues affecting themselves, their families and communities towards development and growth.

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